“Henry Hedgehog’s Asthma Adventure”

The book was created at the request of Johns Hopkins University as an educational piece for families who have a child living with asthma. The story follows Henry Hedgehog as he confidently faces the obstacles he encounters as a kid with asthma. A parent handout was also created to help parents understand how to better manage their child’s asthma triggers. All illustrations were hand-drawn and watercolored.
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“Hazel Does Not Like to Brush Her Teeth”

This book was made as a fun and educational piece for children to learn the importance of their teeth in their daily lives. The story follows Hazel, a stubborn hedgehog who simply does not want to brush! Her brother, Henry, helps her to understand all of the important things her teeth are for as they go about their day. The illustrations were made by hand drawing and watercoloring each page to add a softness to the characters.
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Lithographic Print

This was a print that was made from an etching on a lithography stone. After the drawing was completed, the image was transferred to a large stone surface and then etched in with acid. This then makes the image permanent until sanded away, making the image reproducible for printmaking.
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Remake Show: Poster

Cras volutpat quam elementum, dapibus mi in, convallis ligula. Phasellus laoreet lorem a ante fringilla tincidunt. Donec vel mollis tortor. Etiam congue neque dapibus, fermentum justo nec, tempus lectus. Integer vitae fermentum nibh. Aenean scelerisque, tellus porta consectetur iaculis, odio elit adipiscing nisi, placerat viverra est lorem et risus. Donec gravida purus et adipiscing gravida. Morbi feugiat pellentesque porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quis venenatis felis. Suspendisse cursus commodo nisl, et placerat magna. Pellentesque urna nibh, auctor sed diam at, fringilla eleifend nibh. Suspendisse volutpat consectetur quam non laoreet.
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