MKM Holiday Card

MKM architecture + design shared this holiday card with clients of the firm in print and digital form. The QR code on the back of the card is linked to a year-end video, highlighting achievements and philanthropic work throughout 2022, which I also created.
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“Happy Teeth” in Lakota

This book was designed for the Dental Trade Alliance Foundation to offer McMillen Health’s Happy Teeth board book in the Lakota language for families on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The book was redesigned to feature illustrated characters who offer important oral health reminders for families in a fun way. See this short video about the project with the former CEO of McMillen Health, Dr. Holli Seabury.
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Rethink Your Drink

The Rethink Your Drink Curriculum for 2nd and 7th grade students was designed for the Delta Dental Foundation of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina. These pieces were made to encourage students to make healthy choices for better oral health. I designed classroom and cafeteria posters, educational props for the program, and module lessons for 2nd and 7th grade.
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Care During COVID-19

These educational resources were developed for Neighborhood Health, located in Fort Wayne, IN, to inform their patients about the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials were translated in Spanish and Burmese with culturally appropriate content to serve audiences of all backgrounds. Clinic posters, rack cards, and social media graphics were pieces I worked on for this project.
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From Drool to School

The Drool to School project included a parent booklet, which offers helpful tips to keep their child’s teeth healthy from the drool years through the school years. There is also a coloring/activity book for children and a trifold brochure giving quick tips for parents. These pieces were designed for the Delta Dental Foundation of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina.
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“Henry Hedgehog’s Asthma Adventure”

The book was created at the request of Johns Hopkins University as an educational piece for families who have a child living with asthma. The story follows Henry Hedgehog as he confidently faces the obstacles he encounters as a kid with asthma. A parent handout was also created to help parents understand how to better manage their child’s asthma triggers. All illustrations were hand-drawn and watercolored.
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Indiana State Nurse’s Manual

This manual was created for use by school nurses to use as a reference guide for the state of Indiana. It is available digitally and exclusive to school nurses. Creation of this project was funded by the Indiana State Department of Health.
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Vaping Parent Handout

This handout was created for McMillen Health as an informational piece for parents on what they need to know about the vaping epidemic. This piece was later picked up and redesigned for other agencies to use, as it was found to be highly effective.
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Breathe: Healthy Steps to Living Tobacco Free

The pieces for this project included an education flip chart to be used by home visitors, parent handouts, a children’s activity book, and a parent activity book.
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“Hazel Does Not Like to Brush Her Teeth”

This book was made as a fun and educational piece for children to learn the importance of their teeth in their daily lives. The story follows Hazel, a stubborn hedgehog who simply does not want to brush! Her brother, Henry, helps her to understand all of the important things her teeth are for as they go about their day. The illustrations were made by hand drawing and watercoloring each page to add a softness to the characters.
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“I Brush My Teeth”

I Brush My Teeth was written by Holli Seabury, Ed.D., and is geared towards young children’s oral health. This book was originally written in 2014 and this refresh was done in 2016 to look more contemporary and clean.
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Holly Trolley Map & Window Decal

Aenean at semper augue. Maecenas felis odio, vestibulum in nunc quis, facilisis suscipit ligula. Nulla quis est nec sapien convallis rhoncus ultricies in nisl. Nunc ultrices ante congue feugiat commodo. Aliquam aliquam lacinia eros eu condimentum. Ut eu dolor tellus. Nullam et congue odio, vel hendrerit turpis. Sed egestas augue id rhoncus posuere. Phasellus venenatis ut orci ut semper. Aliquam augue velit, euismod non sapien non, mattis aliquet urna. Sed semper facilisis consequat. Nulla dapibus justo vel fringilla tristique. Proin vestibulum augue arcu, sit amet venenatis risus venenatis vitae.
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“Happy Teeth” Baby Book

This was a baby book created for McMillen Health’s Brush Program to promote good oral health for parents and children. The book was written by Holli Seabury, Ed. D. and is sold on as a component of their curriculum pieces.
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Remake Show: Poster

Cras volutpat quam elementum, dapibus mi in, convallis ligula. Phasellus laoreet lorem a ante fringilla tincidunt. Donec vel mollis tortor. Etiam congue neque dapibus, fermentum justo nec, tempus lectus. Integer vitae fermentum nibh. Aenean scelerisque, tellus porta consectetur iaculis, odio elit adipiscing nisi, placerat viverra est lorem et risus. Donec gravida purus et adipiscing gravida. Morbi feugiat pellentesque porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quis venenatis felis. Suspendisse cursus commodo nisl, et placerat magna. Pellentesque urna nibh, auctor sed diam at, fringilla eleifend nibh. Suspendisse volutpat consectetur quam non laoreet.
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D.I.D. 2016-2025 Reauthorization Brochure

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed tincidunt, orci eu aliquet semper, neque orci tincidunt mauris, tristique convallis augue ante vel massa. Proin feugiat tortor sed dictum ultrices. Nam metus turpis, facilisis nec metus ut, porta fermentum eros. Curabitur in lacinia felis. Aliquam ut enim sit amet dui porttitor hendrerit vel non erat. Maecenas pharetra, enim sed elementum tincidunt, urna urna dignissim orci, non volutpat felis tortor sit amet mi. Morbi consectetur sagittis ipsum vitae fermentum. Proin pellentesque, elit eget interdum euismod, leo eros molestie velit, sed convallis lectus lacus a justo.
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D.I.D. Sponsorship Brochure

Aenean posuere, risus et euismod tempus, orci dui luctus erat, eu porta erat lacus quis ligula. Mauris vel faucibus metus. Nam at risus turpis. Vestibulum a nisi nec neque semper consequat ut sed dui. Aliquam consectetur vestibulum ligula, nec sagittis tortor ultrices aliquam. Integer viverra vestibulum interdum. Phasellus dapibus egestas justo ac dapibus. Integer dignissim, nibh ac condimentum adipiscing, quam lorem dictum lorem, in iaculis diam ante eu lacus. Aliquam metus sem, aliquam vitae pharetra pharetra, commodo vitae risus. Integer et ornare nunc. Maecenas egestas et arcu id sollicitudin. Nulla arcu nisl, suscipit sed pharetra quis, tristique hendrerit quam. Vivamus vitae felis vel risus aliquet posuere laoreet eu velit. Maecenas posuere a dui vel fringilla. Praesent fermentum ligula vitae mattis pretium.
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Snarks Album Case

Nam fringilla pellentesque tincidunt. Nullam pretium laoreet felis id placerat. Morbi lectus augue, mollis nec congue et, molestie at nisi. Vestibulum ullamcorper sagittis justo, non dapibus lectus euismod ac. Quisque sagittis enim in lobortis euismod. Donec eleifend, lorem sed ultricies posuere, metus justo cursus enim, in convallis tortor velit eu mi. Praesent eleifend nisi ac ante sodales laoreet. Nullam condimentum vehicula magna, eu pellentesque eros porttitor non. Donec ut auctor orci. Praesent mattis sagittis ultrices. Ut eu laoreet orci.
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D.I.D. 2015 Services Plan Brochure

Aliquam velit tellus, facilisis a eros vitae, porttitor viverra magna. Aenean quis lacinia velit. Ut posuere, neque id rhoncus faucibus, arcu nisl semper risus, id tincidunt odio ante sagittis nunc. Praesent eget dolor eu ante fringilla sagittis. Sed porta lectus ipsum, in accumsan arcu sollicitudin accumsan. Fusce luctus nulla eget ornare mollis. Nulla dolor justo, viverra a dignissim vel, dapibus sed lorem. Etiam congue metus metus. Mauris imperdiet mi vel feugiat iaculis. Sed est justo, placerat facilisis nunc sed, aliquet hendrerit orci. Etiam at sollicitudin nulla.
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Lunch on the Plaza Project

Etiam justo diam, sollicitudin semper gravida vitae, volutpat non velit. Ut pretium vitae mauris ac molestie. In luctus pretium odio, ut imperdiet est suscipit et. Cras mi est, vehicula non felis sit amet, iaculis facilisis massa. Aenean erat neque, consectetur et vehicula quis, dapibus vitae augue. Integer sed odio laoreet, dictum ipsum nec, elementum dolor. In purus dui, blandit ac dui quis, bibendum adipiscing neque. Vivamus blandit velit nec magna vehicula, in sollicitudin leo placerat. Morbi congue lobortis erat, scelerisque molestie nisi cursus eget. Quisque eu dolor vel quam sagittis sagittis vitae aliquet ipsum. In ac porta quam, vel tempus urna. Suspendisse nec luctus velit. Vestibulum euismod id mauris eu ullamcorper. Donec scelerisque nunc ante, ut rhoncus libero pharetra ac.
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