MKM Boardroom Glass Design

Frosted glass window vinyl was applied to MKM’s boardroom to offer privacy and style. Minimal cutouts in the design provide some functional visibility, while incorporating a simple and contemporary look.
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Rethink Your Drink

The Rethink Your Drink Curriculum for 2nd and 7th grade students was designed for the Delta Dental Foundation of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina. These pieces were made to encourage students to make healthy choices for better oral health. I designed classroom and cafeteria posters, educational props for the program, and module lessons for 2nd and 7th grade.
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Holly Trolley Map & Window Decal

Aenean at semper augue. Maecenas felis odio, vestibulum in nunc quis, facilisis suscipit ligula. Nulla quis est nec sapien convallis rhoncus ultricies in nisl. Nunc ultrices ante congue feugiat commodo. Aliquam aliquam lacinia eros eu condimentum. Ut eu dolor tellus. Nullam et congue odio, vel hendrerit turpis. Sed egestas augue id rhoncus posuere. Phasellus venenatis ut orci ut semper. Aliquam augue velit, euismod non sapien non, mattis aliquet urna. Sed semper facilisis consequat. Nulla dapibus justo vel fringilla tristique. Proin vestibulum augue arcu, sit amet venenatis risus venenatis vitae.
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Best One Tire: Check-In Desk

This was a vinyl wrap that I designed and installed at Best One Tire in Fort Wayne, IN.
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SweetCars Vinyl Wrap

This was a project I worked on for SweetCars, a local car dealership; a sister company of Sweetwater Sound, Inc. The purpose of this project was to cover a foam container that was build to muffle the sound of an air compressor in the repair shop. SweetCars is a high-end dealership that spares no attention to detail. It was necessary to ensure this area of the shop seamlessly matched the look of the rest of the facility. I designed the vinyl wrap and applied it to the foam container. 
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